*VBS IS HERE!!! - Please remember to pray for our kiddos and volunteers this week.
*Baptism - There will be a special time of baptism followed by a “Sunday School Swim” on 8/11 following the service at the McGrews. Any 2 piece bathing suits must be covered with a shirt. A sign-up sheet is located in the back for desserts and sides. If you feel led to follow in believers’ baptism, please contact Pastor Jeremy.
*Baby Shower - There will be a baby shower for Erica Heater on 8/17 at 10:30. Any gifts should be diapers, wipes, or gift cards. Please see Tiffany if you have any questions.
*Grief Share - August 21. Participant sheets are available on the back table. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Jeremy or Tiffany.
*Church Center - Find ways to get involved and serve using our new Church Center page on our website. You can also download the Church Center app and find our church there.
*Groups Tab - Using the Groups tab, find specific groups in need of more volunteers - like the Hospitality Ministry Team.
*Online Directory - In the Church Center there is a user-editable online direct available. Anyone needing assistance can contact Aaron or Jeremy.
*Online Calendar - Church Center also has an online church calendar available to track upcoming church events.

                                Nursery                                                                         Greeters
July  28          Tiffany Losier                                                        Michael & Tina Paschen
                             Bre F, Jennifer T, Savannah                        James & Kourtney Fred        

Aug  4             Tiffany Losier                                                        Ruth Ann Miller
                             Leisa G, Julie R, Ava/Addie                        Jeff & Diana Smith